QR Code Marketing

What We Do

What We Can Do

We specialize in creating Custom QR Codes that visually compel your customers to scan them!

We also offer all related QR marketing services, tailored to meet your exact needs. Although quite easy to get carried away with the artistry, we never lose track of what the core functionality of these QR codes is, and that is to generate more sales and or leads for your business.

Having said that, it has been proven that consumers are much more likely to scan a custom QR code than a plain black or white one, and even more so if the “wrapper” surrounding the QR code has a strong call to action.

Below you will find a brief summary of our customization levels:

Starter: Sometimes simply is beautiful enough – custom corner designs, simple colors and funky interior code are all that is necessary to achieve a high level of scans.  Ideal for use on business stationery such as letterheads and business cards.

Logolized: Similar to previous designs but incorporating your company logo within the interior body code.

Socialized: Basic customization featuring social logo within code design – ideal for generating facebook likes, twiter retweets, pinterest pins etc – fixed cost..

Customized: Full on custom artwork featuring perhaps external artwork, call to action messages, photographs etc to produce a truly eye-catching piece of art worthy of public display! (Prices from $xxx)

Extra info

What QR codes can do? The most widely used feature of a QR code is to link to a website destination but there are numerous other options available such as launching the phones dialer or messaging app with prefilled phone number or text message. They can display plain text, launch a paypal payment, and contain contact info (mecard or vcard) and many more.