QR Code Marketing

Why QR Codes?

Why QR Codes?

QR codes have been around for many years but it is only recently that their popularity has increased.

This is in no doubt due to the phenomenal rise in smartphone sales and related mobile internet access which now surpasses PC internet access! QR codes offer a practical and convenient bridge between real world products and the online world.

Using a smartphone’s inbuilt camera and a scanning app a QR code can be read by the phone and decoded to reveal its mysterious content – typically a mobile webpage  that displays a special offer and a “buy now” call to action, for example.

QR codes are an ideal medium to deliver Special offers or discounts, coupon codes, or related products and pricing. In practice a QR code is printed on real world media such as leaflets, flyers, magazine adverts, product packaging etc – Their primary marketing use is as a LEAD CAPTURE mechanism for offline prospects.